What are your impressions of Adelaide?

"People in Adelaide are very friendly and polite. It was easy for me to settle in make new friends here. I like the weather in Adelaide and the living standard and expenses are reasonable."

What are the benefits of UniSA and their teaching staff?

"The quality of teaching staff is pretty good and the majority of them are really helpful. Many of them are well prepared before the lectures and tutorials and they are always happy to answer questions through email or via the discussion boards.

I worked as volunteer in both hospital and community pharmacy which gave me opportunities to learn and practise at the same time. As the pharmacy system in Australia is totally different form the one in Hong Kong, I needed to get used to the dispensing system here. I also got to work in the compounding pharmacy and got the chance to do compounding like creams or ointments. I also learnt to serve customers as well.

I also worked as volunteer at the Student Association which gave me opportunities to organise activities and meet many new friends. All the staff are helpful especially the U-buddies - try to attend the orientation day so you can make many new friends."