Why did you choose to study at University of South Australia?

"UniSA offered fantastic programs in the Visual Arts field, and the Graduate Diploma in illustration was exactly what I was looking for."

What do you enjoy most about studying at the University of South Australia?

"I loved the possibility of getting to know people from many parts of the world and from many artistic disciplines."

How would you describe the quality of teaching staff? How have they supported you during your studies?

"UniSA's Visual Arts and Visual Communication's teachers are practicing professionals ready to share their experience and knowledge with anyone interested. They are generous, very good listeners and helpful. They also know how to encourage you so you can achieve your goals and grow as a professional."

What advice would you give a student considering coming to Adelaide and studying at the University of South Australia?

  1. "Have a plan to say in touch with your family, they will give you strength, and won't let you forget where you come from. (Value your origins)
  2. Do some research (places taht you'd like to visit, groups that you'd like to join, activities that you'd like to continue, etc.)
  3. Use the Orientation Program to maximise your experience in Adelaide. Ask questions as often as you need to.
  4. As soon as you arrive, it's important that you start enquiring about internships, work-experience or entry-level work in your field. Don't wait until you graduate to do that.
  5. Make sure you plan to enjoy life, make friends and get to know other cultures. Australia is like that Alice in Wonderland's room full of doors. You have, at the tip of your hands, the opportunity to enter many different worlds, value different cultures and explore different points of view...just dare to knock and enter."