Why did you choose to study at the University of South Australia (UniSA)?

"I considered other universities in Sydney and Melbourne, but decided to come to the University of South Australia (UniSA) on the reputation of the marketing school. My counsellor had recently visited UniSA and was impressed with the staff and facilities and said Adelaide would be a great place to live."

What are the benefits of UniSA and their teaching staff?

"The university provides a number of industry events, creating the opportunity to meet and network with people from large businesses. In Australia you work more independently rather than having supervisors like we do in Finland, but as a postgraduate student I didn't mind that. The best difference is that at UniSA, as a course work student, we don't have to do a thesis but in Finland it is a major part of our assessment."

What are your impressions of Adelaide?

"Everything is very convenient and you can easily walk everywhere in the city. I find Adelaide to be a safe city and the people are so friendly and helpful. I spend a lot of time at the beach, going to the gym and catching up with my friends. I eat out at restaurants and cafes quite often too – being such a multicultural city, there are so many different cuisines to try and places to eat!"